Deadlift Workout for Beginners

Dead lift workout

Dead lift is one of my favorite exercises. It’s a total body strength workout. On dead lift day i don’t need any assistance or spotter; it’s just me barbell and the weights. Many of new gym goers fear dead lift, but this lift is the best workout for building whole body strength and size. Forget your fear and learn how to dead lift now.

Barbell dead lift is considered one of best exercise around the world. Whether you want to build muscles, burn fat or want to gain strength. It is the one movement every lifter must follow in their workout routine. The fear with new gym goer or beginners is they don’t know how to perform this beneficial workout and use it effectively. 

However, dead lift in itself is not dangerous, but like with any movement, dead lifting wrong can be. Proper executing this exercise will allow you to build a stronger posture, less fragile joints and a healthy body. In this article we will gain some knowledge about how to perform dead lift effectively, and in no time you will be dead lifting like a pro.

First question come to all beginners mind is; why dead lift?

Every lifter at the beginning has this question, why should I deaf lift; there are so many other exercises I can do to gain strength.  The simple answer to this question is; dead lift is one of the most effective exercises for developing the whole body strength. This is a full body workout which involves full body movement, and builds muscles. Dead lift is one of the workouts which target the hamstring muscles directly.

Dead lift improves your posture. It will help balancing of our body, giving us cause to stand taller and with greater strength. It will strengthen our back and develop great posture and correct various strength imbalance. It will help build total strength and turn you into a total gym bad-ass. After all, there’s nothing like lifting heavy weight from the ground.

While most people think it’s a back exercise, other will argue that its leg exercise, but in actuality it’s a overall body strength exercise.

While dead lifting you will use every single muscle in your body:

Your arms, forearms and hands hold the barbell and make sure the bar stays in the right position and stays stable throughout the lift. Your back and core help keep your entire body tight and stable to help keep your spine secure. Your shoulders and traps hold the weight and hold it stable. Keep your legs tight all the time.

How to perform stiffed leg dead lift

Deadlift Barbell Workout

Deadlift Barbell Workout
Deadlift Barbell Workout

Grab a bar using an overhand grip (your palm facing down); use wrist wraps if lifting heavy. Stand with your torso straight and your legs shoulders width apart or at narrow stance. Knee should be slightly bent. This will be your starting position.

 As you breathe in lower the barbell to over the top of your feet by bending at the waist while keeping your back straight all the time.  Keep your knee stationary all the time. Keep moving forward as if you were to pick something from the ground until you feel the stretch on the hamstrings. Pause for a second at this point.

 Start bringing your torso up straight again by extending your hips until you is back at the starting position. Breathe in as you bring your torso back to starting position. This will complete your first repetition.


consult your doctor if you have back pain before starting dead lifting. This is not an exercise that is recommended for people with back problems. Pay special attention not to round the back as you move the torso down; your back should always be straight. Lifting too much weight or jerking motion can injure your back. While performing this workout all of your weight should be on your heels and mid-foot.

During the movement your entire body should move upwards at the same speed. Keep your chest up and tight all the time. Your arms should stay straight the entire movement. They are for hold on to bar; they are not bending or pulling at all. While pulling squeeze your glutes. At the top of the movement you should be standing tall with your chest open. You should keep your spine neutral and everything tight.

Benefits of dead lift :-

1.     It will increase rate of fat burning. Lifting weight and resistant training will burn fat than just dieting or dieting with cardio exercise alone.
2.     Dead lift helps you for overall muscles growth. When you dead lift in the right way; you will use every muscle in your body. This in turn helps in improving your muscles growth.
3.     Dead lift increases your core strength and core stability. Dead lift targets all of your muscles which are responsible for your posture making your back straighter during all the times.
4.     Doing dead lift improves your cardio activity, dead lift is better for overall health. You will build joint strength and it helps your immune system to get stronger. It is a true full body workout.
5.     It will increase your cardiovascular activities.
6.     Dead lifting include all of your muscles than any other exercise. It works on your upper body, lower body and strengthens your back.
7.     It will help increasing in real life lifting. It will strengthen your muscles; you need to carry something, like your grocery bags.
8.     It is a safest weightlifting exercise you can perform. If you get into trouble in between the movement you can drop the weights.
9.     It will improve your grip strength.
10.  It will strengthen your back muscles and hamstrings. It will improve your strength and flexibility to perform other exercises as well.
11. No matter how many times you have done this exercise, next time your will do it better than previous time.
12. It will help in shredded back and strengthening your abs muscles. It will develop depth and thickness to the upper traps and the mid back.

Dead lift is a total body workout. You should include this exercise in your workout routine. All in all dead lift is the King of all the exercises. This helps in overall muscles growth.

Stay tune: - We will discuss different variants of dead lift in upcoming article. 


  1. Very interesting post ! I usually do some exercises for my stomach ;)

    1. Thank You Kinga K.
      DM me for More Exercise tips on Instagram. @parveengarg21


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